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Family Heirloom Gun Engraving

We are running a contest to give a deserving family a family heirloom gun engraving. Check out our entries to vote on your favorite or enter your family for a chance to win.

Entry 1:

“This is a guy, a brother you could say. He passed away last November unexpectedly from his diabetes. He left behind his son who loved the outdoors and I’ve had the honor to help get his first bird last October when I took this picture.”

Entry 2:

“At the age of 3, Courtney found her love of hunting with her Pappy Guff and Uncle Huffy. Before passing unexpectedly at age 17, she was able to bag her first turkey (or as she called it at age 3, “wobbler”) and her buck. She had to write a paper for school about the best day of her life and she wrote about hunting with her Pap and Uncle. Eleven months later, her Pap joined her to “Hunt in Heaven” and to watch over our hunts.”

Entry 3:

“I received my daddy’s gun when he lost his battle to cancer I now hunt with his gun.”

Entry 4:

“After 21 yrs of service to the USAF. My brother Master Sargent Seth Stehman lost his 21 month battle with cancer. High Grade Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET tumors). Caused from military exposed chemicals. Passing at the young age of 44 yrs old. Leaving behind 4 young children and a wife. Since he lived across the country (South Dakota me from PA) the only thing I got to remember him by is his hunting rifle his wife gave me. If I’m chosen I would love to honor him with this engraving. Letting me know I’m never alone in the woods. I know he will always be with me. Thanks for listening.”

Entry 5:

“In this picture (from left to right) is my little brother, my father, myself and my son. This was the last day that I saw my brother. He went in a couple weeks later, during the height of the pandemic, for a kidney transplant to which our mother was the living donor. After what seemed like a successful recovery in the hospital he passed away unexpectedly the day he was supposed to come home. This day shooting with my little brother and father is the last memory we have with my brother.”

Entry 6:

“The man in the front was my best friend we talked for years about doing an elk hunt . We finally did the trip and it was awesome 7 days in wall tent in Utah trip of a lifetime . We both tagged beautiful bulls it was a dream come true on the trip however he scratched up his stock on his 270 . Two years later he passed suddenly no warning of heart attack the after he was told he was in perfect health from a physical . I was and still am devastated it took a couple years but I was able to purchase that 270 from his son in law I know have it scratches and all . I was at the great American sportsman show with my daughter and saw this and new immediately I need to get this done !! I had to walk away from your salesman there because it actually brought me to tears.”

Entry 7:

“My dad, Richard Goshorn, passed away after a hard fought battle with cancer in March of 2021. He was an avid Pennsylvania hunter and outdoorsman, born and raised here in Lancaster county who loved the woods enough to own his own 110+ acre wooded property up in Clinton county, which has now been passed down to me. It’s been hard for me to keep it as well maintained as he did, but every day I hope he realizes I’ve been trying my best. It’d mean the world to me to get this picture engraved in the exact gun he’s holding in the picture. It’s a Winchester Model 88 in .308 win. Very old-school cool in my opinion.”

Entry 8:

“A bunch of my uncles and cousins come from multiple states to gather and enjoy hunting together. Every year We try to get a picture of everyone together to be a memory of that year. It’s the best time of year to see family and enjoy the sport together!”

Entry 9:

“My parents hunt. Taught all 4 of us. We have Taught ours . Now we are teaching theirs. 4 generations strong.”

Entry 10:

“My grandkids would love this.”

Giveaway is closed!




6 thoughts on “Family Heirloom Gun Engraving

  1. Hid name was Klayton Delaughter and he was from Louisiana. He loved the outdoors and raised his son to do the same.

    1. I am praying that little man wins this. It was so sad when his daddy past. I didn’t know them but know people that did know him and said he was a great daddy. They said he loved to teach his son how to hunt.

      I accidentally post a reply on someone’s else’s post. It was meant for your post. – Angie

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